
We provide a variety of private psychiatry services to suit your personal or professional needs

Assessments and follow-ups

We offer a full diagnostic assessment and treatment plan to help you or your family with a range of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and personality disorder. We will liaise with your family doctor and are able to offer follow-up appointments to monitor progress. Appointments can take place face to face in our clinic or remotely via video conference.


Expert Witness Reports

The specialist nature of our work, together with our skills and training, have proven helpful for complex court cases or Mental Health Act tribunals in the past. We are happy to be instructed by solicitors dealing with cases where our knowledge may be of benefit.


Second Opinions

We are happy to help patients or other professionals in reviewing treatment plans, diagnoses, and medication strategies in circumstances where there is a high level of complexity and a second opinion is needed.



We are happy to help mental health services and the industry with consultancy services related to our work.


Academic Events and Teaching

Our experts have spoken at numerous national and international conferences in Psychiatry and are happy to be approached for participation in academic events.